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Dec. 12, 2022

A Time to Reflect and Say Thank You!

A Time to Reflect and Say Thank You!
Hello Everyone,
I found my interview with Kim Ports Parsons (http://tobtr.com/12170159) on November 28, 2023, extremely fascinating. Several reasons contributed to the fascinating nature of the interview. Kim is, first and foremost, an exceptional poet. The way she grasps the nuances of language is remarkable. Whether her poems are humorous or serious, they all contain vivid imagery. In our conversation last night, she spoke eloquently and passionately about the heart, soul, and mind of poetry. I particularly enjoyed her challenging my thinking and helping me grow. The gentle reminder that all things in nature are connected was much appreciated. In the interview, even a rock was mentioned (listen to the episode). Thanks so much, Kim. I applaud you for your dedication and talent as a poet.
A second reason for the fascinating nature of the interview is that Kim was the 300th guest on my podcast! I can't believe I've been on the air for five years and have hosted 300 guests! Since my first guest, Luis Antonio Fermin (http://tobtr.com/10785183), I have hosted the show every week, keeping true to the postman's motto, "And neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged, will stay us from the swift completion of our appointed rounds." During these years, I have enjoyed listening to poets worldwide. My ears have been filled with stories of life's highs and lows and the power of poetry to open long-locked doors and move mountains. I want to extend my most sincere gratitude to all 300 guests. As a result of hosting the show, my life has been enriched in ways I never imagined possible.
Do I discuss things I know nothing about, such as the intricate details of poetry's form and function? No, not at all. After working in the field of counselor education for over 30 years, I have been able to shape the platform to focus on what I do best: How to explore feelings and emotions associated with writing and reading poetry, how to challenge the boundaries inherent in writing and reading poetry, how empathy helps writers and readers develop closer ties, and how to assist and support poets in continuing their poetic endeavors.
Now let's talk about the episodes. Were all of them perfect? Unfortunately, the answer is no. This can be attributed to several factors, including the lack of control caused by the live format, technical difficulties I was unable to resolve, the inability to connect with guests to the extent that I would have liked, as well as fatigue, juggling too much, health issues, and constantly wondering if I am making any difference. All things considered. It still inspires me to converse with poets, listen to amazing work, expand my knowledge base, and learn more about poetry, something I have been passionate about for over 30 years. Let poetry continue to ring, and thank you all again. 