A Gem of a Poetry Podcast
Bio: Jacqueline James is a self-made poet. She has published 17 books. Twelve of these books are poetry books and the other five are children's books, which are written with a jingle through the messages. The gift poetry came to her naturally at a young age. Jacqueline expresses the rhythm stanza of poetry. She considers herself to be a master of rhymes. The art of poetry is the way she communicates as inner feelings which she believes many of her values are shared with her readers. Jacqueline James is very passionate about her work. Website: https://www.rhymesjj.com/ Social Media: https://youtube.com/@jacquelinejames695 https://instagram.com/rhymesandreasons1964?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== https://m.facebook.com/groups/601276901464279/?ref=share&mibextid=
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